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UPDATED: 03/02/2024

Owning a home is great but it can be hard to get your foot in the door of home ownership. There can be significant hurdles like a large down payment, or having good credit. Nothing beats owning your own home though. Homeowners will tell you that it is a huge investment and worth every penny because you have total control over your living space and you are acquiring equity. For many people, finance is often a hindrance to getting that dream home. With rent to own, your dreams could come true. You could rent a house and make payments for future ownership. This is called ‘rent to own.’ In this article we explain how rent to own homes work and hopefully get you on the path to home ownership!

So, How Do Rent To Own Homes Work?

Rent to own explained

How Does Rent To Own Work

Understanding Rent-to-Own Homes

Rent-to-own homes are a creative solution for individuals who dream of owning a house but face obstacles like low credit scores or insufficient down payments.
Rent to own homes are a leasing agreement or arrangement in which the tenant rents the property for a period with added payments. After a set time, the tenant has the opportunity to buy the property. Under this setup, you can own a home without large upfront costs. Rent to own is a great way to own home, especially for young buyers or people who do not qualify for a typical mortgage.

Lease agreement with options

Indeed, this is not a typical landlord-tenant agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, you have to pay option money. It is the cost of the option to buy the home. No doubt, this is often a non-refundable, paid by the buyer to the seller. Also called ‘option fee,’ it allows you to buy the house at a prescribed future date. Be mindful to negotiate the option fee because standard rates do not apply. Lease option fees are usually 1% of the sale price.

The contract involved

Buyers are well advised to read through the agreements they enter, especially if the terms are difficult to understand. There are two main rent-to-own contracts. A lease option is flexible and gives you the right to buy. You can buy the home at the expiry of the lease agreement. Read more about rent to own homes near me here.Further, you can decide not to take up the option to buy. Also, you won’t be bound to continue in rent payment or buy.

The other contract type is a lease-purchase contract. At the end of this lease agreement, a buyer is under obligation to buy. It can be tricky to get out of, hence the need for a proper perusal of the agreement. Don’t just ask how do rent to own homes work. An attorney can help you with that.
Purchase price and rental payments

The lease agreement should be clear on how the sale price is determined. It can be set at the initial stages or at the end. It is preferable to settle on a price after doing your homework on the property.

Another point to note is paying your rent during the lease term. Also, consider how much of your rent is geared towards the purchase price. Again, carry out a check on the property as it helps you know the value of what you’re willing to pay for.

The landlord is usually tasked with the maintenance of the property. In actuality, it is a common feature under leases for rent and land contracts. Tenants now take on more responsibilities under rent-to-own agreements.

It is important that the lease agreement state how to divide maintenance time and costs. Paying for repairs may seem out of the norm. But, taxes and other rates are covered by the landlord. A buyer should be willing to cover some homeowner’s expenses.

Deciding to Buy the Property

At the end of the lease term, tenants have the option to purchase the property. However, they are not obligated to do so. This flexibility is one of the defining features of rent-to-own homes.

The Risks and Challenges

While rent-to-own homes offer significant advantages, they also come with potential risks. These include:

  • The possibility of the purchase price being higher than market value.
  • Forfeiting the option fee and any additional payments if you choose not to buy.
  • The need for careful consideration and thorough understanding of the contract.

Will Rent To Own Work For You?

Every person will have a different situation, a unique contract, and relationship with their landlord. It is important to take a good look at any contracts you will sign and decide if it is the right decision for you. If everything looks like it will work for you then you could very well be on your way to home ownership!

Click Here To See Rent To Own Homes Near You Now!

Rent To Own FAQ’s

FAQ 1: Can I Own the Property at the End of the Lease Period?
Answer: Yes, you have the option to purchase the property at the end of the lease period as agreed upon in the contract. If you choose not to, the property owner retains ownership.

FAQ 2: Is a Down Payment Required for Rent-to-Own?
Answer: Typically, a down payment or option fee is required when entering a rent-to-own agreement. This fee contributes towards the future purchase of the property.

FAQ 3: What Happens if I Change My Mind About Purchasing the Property?
Answer: If you decide not to purchase the property, you may forfeit the option fee and any additional money paid towards the purchase. It’s essential to carefully consider your decision before entering a rent-to-own agreement.

FAQ 4: Can the Landlord Change the Purchase Price During the Lease Period?
Answer: No, in most cases, the purchase price is typically agreed upon in the initial contract and remains fixed throughout the lease period. This price is often determined based on the property’s current market value.

FAQ 5: Can I Customize or Renovate the Property During the Rental Period?
Answer: Major renovations or customizations to the property during the rental period usually require the landlord’s approval and should be outlined in the lease agreement. Minor improvements may be allowed with prior consent, but it’s essential to clarify these details in the contract.

How to Find Rent-to-Own Homes

The internet has made it easier to find rent-to-own listings. Many websites and platforms offer free listings, increasing accessibility for potential homebuyers. Click Here To Find RTO Homes Near You!